Keywords: Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, Dependable Applications
I am happy to sincerely welcome readers to the third issue of Volume 6 of Journal of Wireless Mobile
Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA). This issue introdues novel
technologies for android security, IPv6-based vehicular network, (mobile) ad hoc networks, and cloud
computing through the following five papers, which were selected after rigorous review and revision.
In the first article “A Survey of Android Security Threats and Defenses” [1], the authors explore
the existing android security threats and existing security enforcements solutions between 2010
and 2015. They also discuss the strength and weak points of the solutions.
In the second article “Real Experience with IPv6 Communications in Highways” [2], the authors
present an IPv6-based vehicular network, which is deployed in real highways and evaluated. According
to the research results, the presented network works correctly while cooperating well with
different communication technologies.