Addition of Neighbors in the Number of Vanets Node Factors: DSR-PNT Performance Study
Bagus Gede Krishna YudistiraFakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas (ELECTICS), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. Krishna.mustang49@gmail.com0000-0001-9223-5277
Radityo AnggoroFakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas (ELECTICS), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Ary Mazharuddin ShiddiqiFakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas (ELECTICS), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are part of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). Vehicles that become a node in VANETs move quickly, and speed is variable to change the topology quickly. One of the most prevalent challenges in VANETs is vehicle connection and picking the most appropriate vehicle to act as an intermediate between the sender of the packet and the destination to decide the node. The most suitable technique for communicating nodes requires research in creating the most desirable nodes as forwarders. Vehicle speed, acceleration, the direction of movement, and vehicle quality are examples of these factors. Futures Total Weight Route (TWR) may determine the ideal route from source to destination if these three characteristics at each neighbor node are known. This study discusses the impact of adding a parameter—the neighbor node on the routing metric in determining the value of TWR. The contribution of this research is to improve the performance of data packet transmission by adding a neighbor node on a DSR-PNT in the selection of routing nodes (node forwarder, next hop) to increase the PDR (packet delivery ratio). TWR provides the reference parameter (Speed, Acceleration, Link Quality) most prioritized continuously according to the changing scenario and node condition.