Enhancing User Experiences in Ubiquitous Soft Computing Environments with Fuzzy Agent Middleware
V. Naren ThiruvalarResearch Scholar, Department of EEE, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore narenthirupsg@gmail.com0009-0003-4279-6553
Yamini R.Assistant Professor, Department of Computing Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur yaminir@srmist.edu.in0009-0002-6392-609X
Manimekalai Dr.M.A.P.Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore manisankar2008@gmail.com0000-0001-8854-4579
Dr. I Wayan SuryasaAssistant Professor, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Denpasar suryasa@stikom-bali.ac.id0000-0002-5307-1828
Sugapriya S.Full Time Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore spriya216@gmail.com0009-0002-6659-5329
Keywords: Ubiquitous Computing, Fuzzy, Middleware, User Experiences, Intelligent Agents.
In the Ubiquitous Computing Environment (UCE) context, the successful provision of user-required services necessitates the collaboration of various system components, encompassing hardware parts, software components, and network connections. The utilization of UCE has presented some difficulties to customers seeking services in a diverse environment, including excessive Memory Usage (MU) and prolonged Component Construction Time (CCT). To optimize the user's experience, fuzzy agent employs a non-intrusive approach in online deep-rooted learning to get insights into user behavior. Integrating the advancements mentioned above aims to enhance the connectivity between users and information technology devices by utilizing an invisible network of UCE devices, creating dynamic computational environments that can effectively meet the users' needs. This work presents a unique methodology called Fuzzy Agent Middleware to Enhance User Experiences (FAM-EUI), which aims to improve user experiences in contexts where computer technology is seamlessly incorporated into everyday activities. This research endeavors to tackle the issues associated with imprecise data and enhance user-friendly interactions by integrating fuzzy logic with intelligent agents. The results highlight the potential of FAM in enhancing user interaction within ubiquitous soft computing, leading to improved efficiency and user-centered computing systems. This study provides valuable insights into integrating soft computing and agent-based technologies to enhance ubiquitous computing paradigms.